We stop to smoke
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"To smoke not only it is harmful, but also it is uncivilized!"
Clause for those who wishes to stop to smoke, and also for those who wishes to help native and close.
     I am glad, that you have glanced on this page. You wish to finish with this bad habit (smoking), and correctly I shall share with you the experience.
     I shall tell a little about how I smoked. Kuriles I, где-those 27 years (it is the most part of my life), basically strong cigarettes, such as "Prima", and respected with cigarettes "Belomorkanal". For all this time I undertook attempts to stop to smoke, but is ineffectual. Greatest it I kept 20 days. It was as at the front and not simply somewhere there, and advanced. Who kept, me will understand. Someone can, and has coped with this bad habit, honour and praise by it and to their feat. I could not.
     I already absolutely свыкся, understand, that never I shall get rid of this addiction. But after I became after small jog (behind bus) to choke. After sharp change of pressure began to oppress me strongly, yes that there change of weather, every day by the end of the working day I had a strong headache. And I have understood if not now I already in couple of years to me am provided a life on tablets both "silent" and sad expectation of the end of my vital way. And I have made a decision, have more truly developed the plan, strategy on struggle against this habit.
     I have solved, I gradually and I shall start to stop to smoke started to smoke time gradually. I have given myself term year. In a year I smoke last cigarette and everything, I am free. The preparatory stage has begun. The first, I prepared for myself morally, that since such day, I start to stop to smoke finally. Besides I began to smoke easy cigarettes (as I smoked strong it some kind of got used to lungs), smoked two weeks so much, how many wanted or my organism demanded. But I knew, that in two weeks, in the day established by me, washing the easy life will come to the end. Still I have analysed, why at me the big desire to light, the first from alcohol, we clean for not certain time, the second from strong tea, it was necessary to replace green (all over again it has not liked me, then пристрастился and green tea has received in the further my preference, it to me has helped to stop to smoke). Here I from time to time drank coffee, as it to me helped to lift pressure, at me lowered.
     And this day has come. I have passed on супер easy cigarettes, it would not be desirable to do advertising to tobacco factories, therefore I shall hold back, I used what cigarettes. I have established to myself a rod, one cigarette in two hours. That has not occured, in two hours. All it certainly individually, is possible and in an hour, for the beginning. But I think it the most normal start. In intervals I chewed a chewing elastic band (the truth, I have refused them in one month). Has established term month of such mode. But if to me does not change memory in two weeks I have passed to three hours. It was the life such: hours, a chewing elastic band, cigarettes. Even if I should lay down to sleep, and time before smoking the next cigarette still has not approached, I waited, even for 10-15 minutes, I waited. Then with pure conscience, I smoked a cigarette. It was ritual. Religion. All has stood, for me that did not exist, this minute only one - a cigarette (well here I a little, has embellished). But as cigarettes were, супер lungs, understand, that has smoked, that in a teeth поковырялся. And again started to wait, this pressing heart and soul the moment. In the morning I rose and before we do not sing, did not smoke, it is the law.
     Here transition, from three o'clock, up to four, it has frightened me. Like also I feel, that it is time to go further, and I am afraid, fear. Here I have passed gradually, from three o'clock, I have passed to three and a half of an hour. I already also do not remember terms. But as felt, that it is time, I increased break. But I did not hurry up, haste here is not necessary, the main thing to not go back. So I also moved ahead. After 4 hours, has gone 5, 6, 8, 10. There any more so it is terrible, already cigarettes did not demand such frequent use. There were ideas that is possible. It is real. Has started already and other requirements to put forward, has risen in the morning, hour I do not smoke, then two, three. A life has started to change. Has gone the day, one cigarette, one cigarette, in two day. And so on. I when began to smoke one cigarette have finished, in 15 days. Has smoked somehow and has understood (a nausea, a unpleasant condition inside), all it is not necessary for me. The END, I IS FREE.
     As a result on it at me 10,5 months are has left. Before term. But still time I speak, only does not hurry up, it is possible to put a rod and two years. The main thing the nobility, that through such that term, I shall not smoke. It is better than to struggle years and without result.
     But would be fair to warn and about consequences. So to say about collateral actions. Through any time you will have a strong cough (I smoke less, and cough as from "mines"), it is good, an organism throws out nicotine, it helps you. But this stage lasts not and long. Other it that the metabolism varies, and you will start to grow stout (everything, it is necessary to strike up acquaintance to physical culture and a diet). And what to do, one pulls behind itself another. But you will not regret about it, take my a word. There is a "terrible" appetite, begin, is and is. With what it is connected, I do not know, yes it and is not important.
     And one more misfortune. Loss of energy, I and puts to itself could not, up to what degree the cigarette is, a stimulator. Yes what here to be surprised, to each smoker with the experience familiarly it. In the morning, especially if early to rise, you "will not come" in yourself yet you will not smoke a cigarette. And here it is not present at the given stage, and the organism celebrates itself languidly and constant breakdown. What to undertake in this situation, I do not know. Probably, everyone should solve it itself, I took the contrast shower consisting in basic from the cold water. All, what that a shake-up.
     But there are also pluss (besides that you have stopped to smoke), it that you will depart from stress more quickly and easier. Do not trust, and you check up, I too have not believed earlier.
     Also I hasten to dispell the big myth which consists that what to throw to smoke, will power, a bluff is necessary. Here there is a sweet, I put to myself a problem to eat it in 30 minutes, be, are assured, in 7 its minutes will not be. Here my will power. So to stop to smoke in such a way, will power is not necessary. The desire and observance of a mode is necessary. And will power there where "advanced", but they have already stopped to smoke, it is necessary to think.
     And one more, interesting enough. It that at me the course has changed think, in the positive party. So negative influence of nicotine on an organism consists still and in it.
     I any more do not smoke many years, the habit has left, does not pull. First time, arose sharp desire to light, but in 15-20 minutes, left. And this time can and be sufferred, game of that costs.
     If suddenly you have not sustained and have lit, do not abuse yourself, and from that time take an interval and forward to the purpose. But try, that it was not. I did not have failures (no, I do not brag, simply I inform).
     So we sum up: desire, observance of a mode and green tea. And if there is an opportunity, eat more than apples, it will help you to clear lungs. Yes, and still, I at station of blood transfusion handed over the blood in 2-3 months, I think, it too has played the role. Believe, you will be glad to that could finish with this not civilized habit.
     Who has a experience on struggle and a victory over this illness, send, I them shall arrange on the page.
     I shall be glad to learn, that my information has helped someone, write on e-mail: colohari@mail.ru
     P.S. I think, that in struggle against a narcotism, the positive result too is possible. But here the control it is necessary more, and is firmer. Be not afraid, dare. Success.
Any reprint without the consent of the author, and other use without the reference to the author are forbidden. The author: Ivanov Igor Valentinovich.